On October 28, 2015, with the sponsorship of Hung Duy Company, Cao Van Chi Hospital coordinated with the Representative Board of Association of the Elderly to carry out a charity medical examination and treatment program for a number of elderly people. in nursing homes in Hoa Thanh area. Medical examination activity took place at 4 points of Tri Giac Cung, Tri Hue Cung, Truong An and Truong Tay Buddha with total of 185 elderly people living in these nursing homes.
The examination program includes: general internal examination, genetic screening and present some eye diseases requiring surgery and medicine. At the same time, Cao Van Chi doctors also visited and gave gifts to the elderly.
Charity examination is a social activity that brings many practical meanings to patients, especially the elderly and sick people lying motionless in nursing homes. Cao Van Chi examination team wishes to bring the lonely older people great joy in spirit through caring and encouraging them so that they can live happier and healthier lives.
Taking – Giving Medical Advice & Medicine: