Hung Duy Company., Ltd. said that it had just organized a sale to stabilize prices and advertising Vietnamese brands, responding to the campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to use Vietnamese goods” with a value over 320 million VND.

Mr. Le Huu Hung, General Direct of Company said that from 8th to November 11th 2011, the company sold over 2.100 sets of goods discounts from 15% to 40%. In which, there are nearly 800 sets of goods discounts from 20% to 40% for disadvantaged households, low-income households and policy households in Hoa Thanh district, over 1.300 sets of goods discount 15% for different customer. Each sets of goods stabilize prices is value 150.000 VND, mainly food, food and necessities. The total amount the Company has reduced profits to respond to the price stabilization program recently is nearly 70 million dong.
Mr. Le Huu Hung added that, responding to The “Vietnamese people give prority to use Vietnam goods” campaign and stabilize prices maket programs, in for 1 years, company has organized many sales to stabilize prices for poor people in many remote ares, bouder areas in the province. In the nearly future, the Company is expected to continue to organized many sales to prices stabilization sales to serve low-income people to welcome the Lunar New Year Nham Thin – 2012.
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